5 Steps to Remember to Take Your Uqora

Written by: Uqora Team

5 steps to remember to take your Uqora

Written by: Uqora Team

5 steps to remember to take your Uqora

Written by: Uqora Team

5 steps to remember to take your Uqora

Written by: Uqora Team

Getting into a new routine can be challenging. You may have heard the theory that it takes 21 days to make a habit. But it actually can take much longer. Some studies have shown that forming a habit can take closer to 66 days!

But, don’t let that discourage you. We're here to support you every step of the way. We’ve broken down a proven habit-forming strategy into 5 simple steps to help you remember to take your Uqora products.

Before we dive into the science of habit-forming, remember that you can take Uqora products at any time of day, it’s really just about finding a time that works for you.


The Habit Loop: the ultimate habit-forming framework

The habit loop framework helps establish and reinforce habits by breaking them down into three key components: the cue, the routine, and the reward. By using this framework, you can create a habit of remembering to take your Uqora consistently.


Here’s how each component of the framework interacts to create an effective habit loop:

⏰ Cue

A trigger that reminds you to complete your habit (setting an alarm to remember to take your Uqora).

🔁 Routine

The habit you do in response to your cue (taking your Uqora at the same time each day).

🌟 Reward

The positive reinforcement you associate with completing your routine (the good feeling of taking care of yourself today!)


Applying the habit loop to Uqora


1. Identify a cue

The cue is a trigger or reminder that prompts you to take action—in this case, your Uqora products. Choose a cue that occurs consistently and ties into an existing routine. For example, take your Uqora right after breakfast, before bed, with your morning coffee, or during a favorite daily activity. You can also use a visual cue—place your Uqora bottles somewhere prominent, like next to your toothbrush or on your bedside table.

2. Define your routine

The routine is the action you want to turn into a habit: taking your Uqora. Picture yourself doing this as part of your self-care routine—opening the bottle, taking the capsules, mixing your Flush, and feeling that sense of accomplishment. Remember, even when you’re on your "off" days for Promote, you’re still completing the 30-day cycle of month-long support.

3. Establish a reward

Rewards provide the positive reinforcement that motivates you to repeat your routine. The satisfaction of taking care of yourself may be the most immediate reward. But feel free to incorporate other small rewards, like a piece of chocolate or a few minutes of your favorite song, as a treat after completing your routine.

A habit tracker can serve as a great reward! It lets you mark off each day you stick to your routine, providing a visual reminder of your progress. Tracking your habits in this way can boost your motivation and strengthen your commitment. We recommend Habbit Tracker or the Streaks app—they’re both fun and engaging tools that many on our team have found incredibly helpful. They also offer customizable tracking, perfect for alternating schedules like Promote or Flush. By anchoring your routine to the 1st or 15th of the month, you can easily restart and stay consistent each month, no matter the routine.

4. Stay accountable

Share your goal with a friend or family member. Let them know about your routine and ask them to check in with you regularly. Their support and encouragement can help keep you on track. You can also head to the Uqora Collective to share your progress and connect with others!

5. Adjust when you need to

If you find it difficult to remember to take your Uqora, don’t worry! Try adjusting your cue, routine, or reward to better fit your lifestyle. The key is to find what works for you and stay consistent, even during the "off" days of your Promote cycle.


Building a habit takes time and consistency, so be patient and kind to yourself. Celebrate each small step toward remembering your Uqora. Over time, it will become a seamless part of your routine.
